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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update from Mobile Tyres 2 U

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update from Mobile Tyres 2 U

General News · Posted by: Mobile Tyres 2 U · 24th March 2020

August 2020 Update – Mobile Tyres 2 U are open and working as usual and are still observing social distancing rules, please see below.

We are committed to supporting the UK Government and its position in response to the Coronavirus. We consider the services we provide to be essential for transport. Many of our customers include emergency workers, teachers and those providing vital community services rely on us to ensure their vehicles are safe on the roads.



We take your Health and Safety at Mobile Tyres 2 U very Serious in these tough times. We are carefully monitoring the situation and our main priority is the Health and well-being of our staff and customers. Our team continue to monitor hygiene, cleaning regimes and adhere to guidelines set out by Public Health England & the UK Government.


We are taking extra care on personal space and exercising social distancing as much as possible. Our technicians use latex gloves and masks at all times and please respect a 2 meter distance.

Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time. Please stay safe. If you have any questions please get in touch with the team
